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For Investors

Our world class IP due diligence enables investors to increase returns and maximise the value of technology-based investment. We build confidence in truly inventive companies while avoiding backing non-innovative ones.

Independent, impartial, expert advice

TTN's ground-breaking IP due diligence capability enables financial sponsors to improve success ratios within portfolios by helping them identify, understand, evaluate and develop the technology and related IP of investment targets. Each TTN expert has a wealth of specialist technical knowledge, an intrinsic understanding of cross-disciplinary innovation and a highly developed faculty for critical thinking, offering a unique level of insight on the value of potential investments and portfolio companies.

In line with the global transition from hardware to software innovation, TTN experts are particularly familiar with the specific patenting challenges, rapid product cycles and hybrid solutions often associated with advanced software, such as artificial intelligence.  


The TTN Qualitative Patent Audit

Patents represent the core inventions of a technology-based entity, but understanding the viability and scope of these intangible assets is complex. TTN’s qualitative patent audit adds critical value to any due diligence process.

Through its expert network, TTN is able to conduct independent, qualitative patent audits on individual or groups of patents, penetrating to the fundamentals. During the audit, each patent is evaluated from a variety of perspectives, providing insights, demystifying the technology, and answering questions that traditional algorithmically-based analysis cannot address.

Registered in England and Wales as Company Number 13099443. ©2022 Trusted Technology Network (TTN) Limited. All rights reserved

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